Meet Our Newest Partner: Phil Kurut of Comedy - Cigars - Music

Do you like cigars?

Do you like comedy?

Do you like music?

Did you answer "Yes" to all three questions above? 

Of course you did!  

Well since you like all three of those, you're going to love the newest member of the MMC Family.  We are extremely excited to introduce Phil Kurut of Comedy - Cigars - Music!

Comedy Cigars Music

Phil will be doing a monthly unboxing video of the MMC Box on his YouTube Channel, appropriately named Comedy Cigars Music.

These won't be your usual unboxing videos as Phil has a wide range of hilarious characters that he portrays in his videos.  We don't even know which ones he's going to use for the MMC videos which is fine with us!

You can support Phil by:

Subscribe to his YouTube Channel

Follow Phil on Instagram @phil_kurut

Check out his website,

We are excited to have Phil on board and can't wait to see what he comes up with for content!

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